Friday, March 4, 2011

Ringing in ears!

Winning the battle against tinnitus or ringing ears, you must first understand the causes of ringing in the ears. You are not alone in that nearly 40 million people in the United States seeks the cause of ringing in the ears. If you hear sounds like a saw, clicking sounds, ringing, or whistling, then read this first before spending any money. It may not help with final solution for you.

When people start experiencing ringing in the ears is usually a sign of another problem, whether physical or psychological. It can happen to be a ear infections, wax build up, allergies, medications, heart disease or excessive use of nicotine or alcohol. You may also have hearing loss.

There are many contributing factors that can lead to noise and tinnitus and hearing loss age is one. For now there is no treatment for this condition. Treat the cause of ringing in the ears can bring relief to some, while others must learn to tolerate the noise .The causes ringing in the ears can fall into one or more of these categories:

Loud noises

All persons who suffer ringing in the ears, 85% were exposed to constant loud noises, such as machine shops or on construction sites, for a long time. Sometimes a single powerful noise can also cause this, such as fireworks or a rock concert. The nerves in the ear can be damaged, which can cause noise in the head after the external noise is absent.


Stress can cause permanent tinnitus causing excessive ringing in the ears. Stress can cause the hypothalamus to stop production of certain trace elements, which helps the body to function properly. Eight to ten percent of the population suffering from tinnitus caused by stress.


Another cause ringing in the ears due to allergies and sinus problems. People who suffer from these conditions often use many antibiotics and antihistamines to relieve symptoms. This may cause accumulation of mucus in the ear, which can cause an ear infection. The ears may ring, but usually disappear when the ears are discharged.

Physical conditions

There are many physical conditions that can cause ringing ears. ear infections, wax or a ruptured eardrum can cause this condition. People with heart disease, tumors, allergies and injuries to the head or neck can cause this disorder. Why this happens is still not understood by researchers, but because of the symptom way mirror another disorder, it is important to consult a doctor to find the underlying cause.

Medication Side Effects

Many medications can cause tinnitus, such as alcohol. Drugs such as anti-inflammatory, anti-depressants, sedatives, aspirin and antibiotics are known to cause tinnitus. After stopping treatment, the condition usually goes away.


Some people who suffer from depression and anxiety may also suffer from tinnitus.

Meniere's disease

This disease affects the way the fluid flowing in the inner ear. Ly usually one ear is affected, even if both ears can be ringing. Vertigo or dizziness is usually accompanied by tinnitus, which can occur suddenly.


One of the most common cause of ringing in the ears is related to certain foods such as cheese, chocolate, red wine, vinegar, hot spices, caffeine, mono sodium glutamate, and foods high in sugar way cause ringing in ears.